Most automotive keys today are transponder keys. Perth Emergency Locksmiths offers manufacturer quality transponder keys at a fraction of the price. Contact us at the number below for the fast response of a transponder key locksmith.
0481 356 257
Transponder/Remote Keys Perth
Transponder keys were introduced into the Auto Industry around 1994. The key is one that consists of a microchip that allows the key to communicate with a vehicle’s on-board computer. The technology is advanced. Signals are transmitted through the transmitter and received by the receiver. If the key is not properly coded to the vehicle, the doors of the vehicle cannot be opened by the remote key and when the key is placed in the ignition, the vehicle will not start.

The electronic microchip within the key contains a specific code. An antenna is used for the transponder to send its fixed frequency signal to the vehicle’s on-board computer, transmitting it to its electronic code and demands will be received. The key is one that is advanced and one that offers a convenient locking system and higher security on a vehicle. It is also a key that is costly to replace and duplicate.
Transponder Key Duplicates and Replacements
Key replacements and duplicates for the electronic remote key need to be from a professional locksmith that has programming and coding training, as well as one that only uses the highest quality blank transponder keys. You’ll find that some locksmiths may claim a “fraction of the cost”, but the quality of keys and workmanship may have you back at the dealer or manufacturer within a month or two. It is important that transponder keys be the highest quality and duplicated or replaced from a locksmith that is highly qualified.
Perth Emergency Locksmiths dispatches locksmiths that are professional and have the knowledge to duplicate and replace transponder keys that are high quality and priced relatively below that of the dealer. For more information on our key duplicates and replacements, or to have the quick response of a locksmith, contact us today.
Contact Us Today
Contact Perth Emergency Locksmiths at the number below for the quick dispatch of a professional locksmith that has the knowledge in programming and coding.
0481 356 257
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We replace and duplicate keys for most domestic and foreign modelled cars.